Why your words need weight

Words have power. There are no two ways about it, so the question is:

Are you using your words to make your business shine? board-1106649_1280

The clever thing about words is that most people don’t realise the potency they carry and that even a single line of copy from a business or an advertiser has been carefully created.

The words you use and the way you combine them when marketing your business, be it on your website pages, blogs or anything else, matters. Look at it this way – would you prefer to buy a loaf from a supermarket OR, some fresh, home-baked sourdough bread from a local artisan baker?

How you describe something influences how people make their buying decisions. Before ‘artisan’ was the word on everyone’s lips, it was ‘organic’. And it doesn’t just apply to the food industry.

Do you have more confidence in purchasing services or products from a ‘premier supplier’ or a plain old stockist? Does the ‘professional/leading firm with innovative solutions’ catch your attention over the business which simply sells what you want?

Of course, to use those words, your businesses should have the goods to back up the claim. If you’ve only just set up shop, then it’s not a great idea to describe yourself as the leading company in your field, or the premier firm. Customers soon see through that. But with the skills and experience you do have, you can convey your passion and the benefits you can bring to customers using the right words, in the right way.